Сногсшибательное видео: Straight Flush — Guess the Poker Hand with Gareth Chantler — Full Tilt Poker

*Competition Closed*
Guess the Poker hand competition from Full Tilt Poker - Gareth Chantler presents this weeks competition details for a chance to win ticket to a freeroll tournament. This weeks competition winner takes it with an amazing straight flush hand.
*Closed 23/05/2014*
Guess the Hand to receive a ticket to a $100 YouTube Freeroll. We will add an extra $1 up to a total prize pool of $200 to the prize pool for every guess in the correct format.
Guesses should be in the following format - Ts7c *Player ID* -- and the first player to guess the hand correctly, including suits, will receive an $11 Tournament Ticket.
Each player that makes an eligible guess by 23:59 ET on Thursday, 22/05/2014 will receive one YouTube Freeroll tournament ticket. Players must use these tickets to self-register for the YouTube Freeroll taking place at Full Tilt Poker on Sunday, 25/05/2014 at 14:30 ET.
The villain's hand will be revealed in the video description on Friday, 23/05/2014 , along with the PlayerID of the winning player.
* Winning Hand*
Villain Hand: AsKh
*First player to guess the winning hand:*